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Please read these FAQs before sending us a message.

1. Can we get pricing for a sepic tank system install? Unfortunately the only way to get an accurate price quote is to contact a septic system installer in your area. Prices can vary widely depending on where you are located and prices for both materials and labor do change as well. Most reputable installers will give you a free quote and will be able to advise you on what is best for your particular needs.

2. What will it cost to have our septic tank pumped out? Again it depends on where you live, also on the size of your tank, how difficult is is to get access to, etc. Its not a huge expense though and you should be able to get a free quote from a local company.

3. Can you help us repair our septic system? Depending on the problems you may be having we could give you some ideas on what might be wrong, but to find out for sure you need to call a local septic system service company and let them check it out.

Make sure you enter your correct email address below or we will not be able to respond to you. Also please include your first name and a message to us in the Comments box.